
Miguel Bolívar / México

Escultura de Luz – Filux Lab

Plaza Grande

Calles 60, 61, 62 y 63, Centro.

Semblanza Pieza

Parecería que llevamos en el ADN el juzgar, discriminar y despreciar características en otros que nos resultan intolerables e inaceptables. Tendemos a odiar, rechazar o marginar todo aquello que no sea similar, condenando todo lo que “desentone“ con nuestro propio color.

UNUM no pretende encontrar el hilo negro o cambiar a la sociedad sino confrontarnos con aquello que discriminamos a través de esta instalación lumínica exaltando la belleza de aquello que nos resulta diferente.

It would seem as if it was in our DNA to discriminate, judge and belittle characteristics in others that are intolerable or unacceptable for us. We have a tendency to hate, reject or marginalize anything that is not at least similar to us, and condemn anything that is not “in tune” with our own colors.

UNUM is not trying to invent sliced bread or change society but to confront us with what we discriminate through this light installation exalting the beauty of that wich seems different to us.

Óoli’ beey ichil k ADNe’ yaan ka yáax jela’an tuukulnako’on, k péech’ óolal yéetel k p’eektik ba’alo’ob yaan ti’ yaanal máak tumen ma’atech k éejentik. K p’ektik, k p’atik paachil yéetel k a’alik ma’ ti’ tuláakal ba’ax jela’an ti’ to’on, k jóok’sik u t’aanil tuláakal ba’al “yaanal” u boonil ti’ le yaan to’ono’.

UNUM ma’ u k’áat u kaxt boox k’áan mix u k’exik u tuukul kaaji’, u k’áat u aktáanto’on yéetel ba’ax k p’éech óoltik yéetel u yáanatajil sáasilo’ob, tu’ux yaan u chikbesik u ki’ichkelemil ba’ax jela’an ti’ to’on.


Miguel Bolívar es un arquitecto, diseñador y artista plástico originario de Durango. Amante del arte popular mexicano, del surrealismo y el art Pop, se nutre e inspira a través del color y la naturaleza.

Miguel Bolívar is an architect, designer and a visual artist born in the state of Durango. Mexican popular art lover, of surrealism and Pop art, his nourishment and inspiration come from color and nature.

Miguel Bolívar juntúul aquitecto, diseñador yéetel aj plástico its’at sijnáal Durango. Jach uts tu yich u yits’atil México, surrealismo yéetel art Pop, ku ch’a’ak u yóol u meyaj ti’ jejeláas boono’ob yéetel ti’ ba’ax yaan yóok’ol kaab.

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